I know I’m no Oprah, but I still have favorite things. Here’s what I liked in July.
CAP Beauty Neat Matcha Sticks
Apparently to drink more matcha, I needed it to come in tiny, aspartame-sized packets I can bring on planes. I traveled a lot this month, and these helped me avoid crashing in my hotel room. They’re a bit pricey, but cheaper than grabbing a matcha latte at Starbucks. Plus, no sugar or milk, just matcha.
Also, CAP Beauty is my favorite store to buy yuppy food items like turmeric honey and sea salt.

Years and Years on HBO
We recently resubscribed to HBO because of shows like Big Little Lies and Los Espookys, which really, should be on this list, too. But I spent half of my weekend with my jaw dropped on the couch mainlining this dystopian family drama. Set just a few years in the future, Years and Years will make you reexamine the present in many ways. It’s like 6 Feet Under for the Trump era.

Three Women by Lisa Taddeo
This book is an exciting oddity that plucks at the seams of both women’s sexuality and creative non-fiction. The author interviewed several women to understand their “scandalous” or “taboo” sexual lives, and then brought them to life through writing that feels more like poetry than journalism. Thanks to my friend Kara for the recommendation!

The Luft Mattress
We recently decided to upgrade our old Ikea mattress, and were thisclose to buying a Casper until we tried the Luft mattress at the Sleep Sherpa. The Luxury-Firm has a soft pillow-top and a lovely blue fabric that just feels more premium than the Casper. I’ve slept like a rock on this thing since we got it, so success.

The Artwork of Nina Cosford
I want to share more illustrators I like on my blog, so I’ll start with Nina Cosford.
I just discovered her work and find it so refreshing. As a writer who likes to draw, I often feel like I’m at a dead-end when it comes to working storytelling and copy into illustrations. It’s so easy for my concepts to feel hackneyed or cliché. Cosford’s drawings tell stories that are original, quirky and funny.

Stranger Things Season 3
Too obvious to list? Aside from the amazing theming, I love this show’s portrayal of puberty. It’s like if Freaks and Geeks characters low-key had a monster trying to kill them in every scene. Plus, my favorite ride, The Gravitron, makes a terrifying appearance. (Also, weirdly, in Euphoria.)